Curated and co-directed the Pace Digital Gallery at Pace Unversity from 2003 to 2014, with colleague and computer science professor, Frank Marchese.
The Simons Center for Geometry and Physics (SCGP) is pleased to present the exhibition COSMIC RHYTHM and BANG featuring artwork by Ander Mikalson and Katie Paterson, curated by Jillian McDonald.
Several major artworks by Ander Mikalson (Hudson, NY) and Katie Paterson (Scotland), which represent the result of rigorous research and collaborations beyond the field of visual art. Inspired by the cosmos, their work exemplifies human connection to astronomical data through choral music, timekeeping, poetry, and miniature explosions. Mikalson and Patterson are artists who endeavor to translate scientific concepts into artistic productions that are at once beautiful, skillfully crafted, and rich with poetic and philosophical significance.
Simons Center Gallery, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY • September 21–December 8, 2023
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Artists: Jacob Dahlgren (Stockholm), Terrance Houle (Calgary), The Icelandic Love Corporation (Reykjavik),
Shana Moulton (New York), Jon Sasaki (Toronto), and Steven Yazzie (Phoenix)
Pace Digital Gallery • Apr 10 - May 8, 2012
Artists: Kara Hearn (California), Alison S.M. Kobayashi (Ontario, Canada), Frank McCauley (South Carolina),
and Adie Russell (New York)
Pace Digital Gallery • Nov 9 - Dec 3, 2010
co-curated with JoAnne Green, Helen Thorington, and Frank Marchese
Pace Digital Gallery, New York • Sept 21 - Oct 22, 2010
Artists: Shawna Dempsey and Lorri Millan! (Winnipeg, MB), Kristin Lucas! (Beacon, NY), Stephanie Rothenberg! (Buffalo, NY),
Brooke Singer! (Brooklyn, NY), Ricardo Miranda Zúñiga! (Brooklyn, NY)
Terminal at Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Tennessee • launching Sept 1, 2009
Artists: Johanna Householder (Toronto), Claudia X Valdes (San Francisco),
David Yonge (Vancouver), Liselot van der Heijden (New York), Sheila and
Nick Pye (Toronto), Jill Miller (San Francisco), Tricia McLaughlin (New
York), Jillian Mcdonald (New York)
La Sala Naranja Gallery, Valencia, Spain • Oct 24 - Nov 5, 2006
Artists: Pall Thayer, Janet Cardiff, Julian Bleecker + Scott Paterson
+ Marina Zurkow, Jeremy Wood, Shawn Micallef + James Roussel + Gabe Sawhney,
Hidekazu Minami, Germaine Koh, and Andrea Polli • January 2005
curator's statement
online exhibition